Posted on the Rhubarb Farm Facebook page in March 2019 by a visitor to the Farm: ”A fabulous inclusive environment of first class support, development, well being and inspiration”
Rob Mayo, President of the East Midlands Chamber came to Rhubarb Farm for the Volunteer Celebration on 24th July 2018, to present all our volunteers with their certificates for the work and training they have done over the last year. He also met Miss Tina, one of our volunteers who is a Drag Queen and opened the Community Cafe on the night. He wrote:
"I really did enjoy the evening and it was great fun meeting Miss Tina – what a personality!
Please pass on my thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome and for the very kind hospitality. Rhubarb Farm is a wonderful organisation which clearly makes a real difference to so many people's lives.
Well done to all!
Best wishes
Rob Mayo"
Malc Perks of Derbyshire County Council Adult Care Department, came to Rhubarb Farm in June 2018 to review risk assessments. After he'd finished he sent these comments to Debbie Martin, our staff member who had assisted him.
"Thanks for your time last week, I returned home with the biggest of smiles. Well done to all involved at Rhubarb Farm for working so hard and making it such a positively constructive & happy environment."
Volunteer Andy wrote, "its helped me a lot with my back problems it also gives support to people who find it hard to get a role elsewhere its a great place for volunteers to talk to the local community when they come to the farm Long may it continue I Love it there."
Langwith resident, Staci Brown on Facebook, "This place is a hub of creation, positivity, nurturing, supporting and enabling for its users, the natural environment, volunteers and the community."
Langwith resident, Lynda Holmes "Organising all the local events that no one else can be bothered to do, great community spirit making such a difference."
Valerie Hughes "This sort of project is just what is needed in our community it make a huge difference to a lot of people."