Training and activities
Watch a video about our new ASDAN certified training
Rhubarb Farm organises a wide range of courses, workshops and activities to inspire, educate and engage volunteers. Many people have not had opportunities like this before and find they really enjoy them - it's as much about learning new things as being in a social setting with other people you know that brings extra confidence.
We run regular workshops and courses, advertised on this website and on the Rhubarb Farm Facebook page, as well as through local networks and organisations in Bolsover, Bassetlaw and Mansfield districts.
We also respond to requests for specific courses.
For information or bookings on all Rhubarb Farm courses, contact our Training Officer, Wes Key, on 01623-741-210, email
We can also provide space for other organisations to run courses at Rhubarb Farm - using both outdoor and indoor facilities. These include an outdoor classroom and a large training room. For more information, ring 01623-741-210.
Some of the courses that Rhubarb Farm has run recently:
Steps to employment
Transgender awareness
Bright Side (art)
First Arts Crafts
Healthy eating
Buddy volunteering
We also have some regular groups which meet weekly:
Rhubarb Readers
Together We Can (mental health peer support)
Music group
Rhubarb Book Club